
Friday, July 2, 2010

There's nothing like a good rodeo

Last night I got to go to the ranch rodeo! By far the best kind of rodeo because all the events are ones that happen everyday for the average ranch hand. Things like, branding, bronc riding, stray gathering, wild cow milking{you never know, right?}, and lots of hard work like that. It's also a chance for the hands to get off the ranch and join in a little competition with the other big ranches out there. Most every big ranch in the area has a team.
 I won't post much more on the subj. because I asked my friend CorgiChic{from now on CC} to send me some of the pictures we both took with her camera. Its kind of a cheap one and the lighting was bad for it, but I'll try and fix them up as best I can. She also go a video of the wild cow milking so I'll have to post that too :D

I saw a massive toad out on the drive this morning so I'm gonna grab the camera and go find him again.


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