- My grandmama is in the hospital. She fell and her medications are out of whack, so we don't know how long she'll be there.
- My grandpapa isn't doing well with granmum's in the hospital. They haven't been apart for this long for years{they're both 86}
- Because of this my aunt is flying up from SC today to see them and help out. Thank goodness!
- We are in the process of looking for an assisted living for G&G.
- Shakespeare practices and meetings have doubled. And I still don't have all my lines memorized.
- My music performance class is coming up and I don't have a song for it yet.
- Sunday I play for a church tea, after the Chamber Orchestra concert.
- My brother's graduation is the beginning of May and I haven't finished designing the invitations yet.
- My sister is going to be moving to that college in the next month, I think.
- Our Mac go a virus from PaperBack Swap and is undergoing rehab.
- My other grandmum is moving to a new house in Co. and we're going to have to help.
- Our dishwasher is leaking, the washing machine is making a noise that sounds like a troll wants out.
- I might be getting my learner's permit for driving today.
- Shakespeare music practice is today....
Roanie's been really good for me. Shyanne - not so much. The weather's been nice although windy.
I would guess by the list that I won't be posting for awhile. Please pray for my family. We're pretty much keeping it together, but some of us coming apart at the seams. *crazy laughing*
Until that day of nothing to do comes, ~Gwyn
Sorry about your grandparents and your sister leaving. I really hope things are getting better. Sorry it took me so long to read this.