
Monday, August 27, 2012

craving adventure

I want out. Monotony is killing me. Every day passes exactly the same, which is not a good thing, here is not a peaceful place to be stuck in. Because things are a little bit broken around here, a little off-kilter. Some days are better, some moments are a silent hell. But looking back they're all the same. Nothing has changed since day one. No mending has been done. No whispers of The End, now you can start over, scary as it sounds. Just an endless stalemate.
 I am the hero of my story, and I will not be made victim.
I've had it. I have to do something  -- like fly down to the coast to see my sister for a week or three. Or go visit those old battle grounds I've often said I wanted to see, screw the four hour drive.
  Kimberly has found herself in a new land, and maybe that's what I need, a new horizon. Just for awhile.
 I'm tired of writing adventures for my characters while I myself sit still.
School is mere days away; summer almost over. I feel little to show for it. And I'm going to do something about that.
 Now is the time to do, my friends. You are young, you are brave, and almost fearless.
xoxo -Gwyn


  1. Ooh, darlin' I loved this! It sums up something I've felt in life time and time again, as I sit typing about adventures but not living them. I believe you ARE fearless! Fearless is jumping in with every fear int he world, and that's exactly what you're doing!
    God walk with you in your adventuring! ;D


  2. Ugh, I feel the same way. I wish I was old enough to go to college or travel the world or something...

    I usually blame adventure-craving on reading too much :)

  3. Great title! love your blog... I hope you will check out mine. . It is called Living Fully by Faith .

